Intellectual Participation (10%)
Once during the semester, you will “lead discussion” by presenting on a lexical term relevant to our reading that day. On all other days, I will measure your intellectual participation according to (1) how consistently and well you prepare outside of class; (2) how consistently and well you complete activities in class; and (3) how committed you are to good practices when you perform. Establish a notetaking method that works for you, and take notes expansively on discussion and on content. Be professional, arrive on time, stay engaged, and uphold FSU’s Student Conduct Code in all things. We’ll be using various technologies during class time for legitimate functions. Talking or texting on your cell phone, reading e-mail, posting to Snapchat or Instagram, or shopping online are not considered legitimate uses and functions of those technologies, so please refrain from doing them. If you are inattentive, absorbed in non-productive multi-tasking, doing homework for another class, or lacking the required texts for that day, I reserve the right to lower your participation grade.